Nearly all theoretical approaches
will admit that a person’s identities, beliefs, and attitudes are linked to
experiences and influences in childhood. From a very early age, children
develop and solidify their own ideas of just who and what they are. In fact,
studies have shown that “by three years of age, children begin to develop their
own preferences and desires for certain characters/toys and actively seek them
out to broaden their knowledge of them” (Cordy, 2003, p. 37). Perhaps the
greatest influence on children is not social learning within parental modeling,
but rather the dominating messages of the mass media in popular culture. For
children, popular culture consists of television, books, movies, magazines,
coloring and activity books, advertising, clothing trends, toys and characters.
In my research I will conduct a literary analysis on the impact of children’s
popular culture messages and the development of gender schemas.
Shooting to the core of popular
culture, these gender roles, or specifically, the “expectations for behavior
and attitudes that the culture defines as appropriate for women and men”
(Anderson and Witham, 2011, p. 33) have been a subject of feminist contention
in my lifetime. “Women's studies has produced a dramatic outpouring of studies
and theories about women in society. These studies have questioned the
assumptions and biases of existing work in almost every field” (Anderson and
Witham, 2011, p. 12). So it is with feminist theoretical application that I
investigate the impact of media messages on young girls and research the
implications of these messages in the development of gender schemas.
Gender role stereotypes and a
general under-representation of female characters are widely present in most
popular and award-winning children’s picture books. Hamilton, Anderson,
Broaddus & Young (2006) performed comparison research on this category of
popular children’s titles, comparing the occurrences of sexism and gender
stereotyping in books today with those in popular circulation in the 1980s.
Surprisingly, Hamilton, et al (2006) concluded “the male-to-female ratios of
title and main characters and pictures remain poor” and that “nurturant
behaviors are even more likely now…to be performed exclusively by girls and
women” (pp.764). The big issue is in how these sexist messages are damaging.
“Social Cognitive Theory posits that the observation of role models prompts the
formation of beliefs that will govern future behaviors” (Winham & Hampl,
2008, pp.121). This point resonates poignantly when one considers the ultimate
effect on core beliefs within the individual, and how the behaviors attached to
these beliefs are damaging to society.
Further compounding the issue,
media messages are as prevalent and unavoidable for children as they are for
adults. Fitzpatrick & McPherson (2010) have found it important to
investigate coloring books as well as popular children’s literature on the
premise that coloring books are frequently “part of the merchandising
associated with the release of major movie and television cartoon series”
(pp.130). Fitzpatrick &McPherson’s (2010) findings report incredibly
similar gender role stereotypes and disproportionate portrayal of male
characters to that of Hamilton, et al’s findings on literature books. This
subjection to gender role stereotypes can be subtle. Clearly, young children
are being sent an unfair message. These hegemonic marketing practices seem to
be a purposeful extension of patriarchy, rather than an innocent matter of
imperception on behalf of the publishing companies.
The mass media messages targeting
young children and adolescents are highly gendered and seemingly trapped in
age-old stereotypes of performed gender. This, coupled with the
under-representation of female characters as a whole, is sending a patriarchal
and pervasive message to young girls. Researchers continue to report on the
occurrences of such messages, with findings showing negligible improvement over
the last thirty years. It is also clear, based on research findings, that these
messages are damaging to society in that they contribute to gender
stratification, perpetuation of gender stereotypes, and sexism. By changing the
character roles, story lines, and performed gender activities within children’s
literature, televised media, and child-targeted marketing campaigns, perhaps we
can begin to cultivate a new generation of equality-minded youth.
M.L., and Witham, D.H. (2011). Thinking about women: Sociological perspectives
on sex and gender (9th ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson
Education, Inc.
D., (2004) "Marketing to children (and mums) through children’s
magazines", Young Consumers: Insight
and Ideas for Responsible Marketers, 5(1), 35 – 44.
M. J. and McPherson, B. J. (2010). Coloring within the lines: Gender
stereotypes in contemporary coloring books. Sex
Roles, 62(1-2), 127-137.
M. C., Anderson, D., Broaddus, M. and Young, K. Gender Stereotyping and
Under-representation of Female Characters in 200 Popular Children’s Picture
Books: A Twenty-first Century Update. Sex Roles, 55, 757-765.
D., & Hampl, J. S. (2008). Adolescents report television characters do not
influence their self-perceptions of body image, weight, clothing choices or
food habits. Young Consumers, 9(2),
121-130. doi:10.1108/17473610810879693